28 Aug 2011

Silent Sunday.

Some more of Bangkok.

Thanks for reading,


Cazro said...

Fascinating pics Cath, TFS. What is the sign for with the guy nipping in his leg? Loved them all except for the snake. Caz

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's such an inspiration to see you continue with Silent Sunday. You have taken me on a magical trip around the city, possibly on a motorcycle or maybe one of the cars. And I though we had traffic jams!

How close did you have to get to that snake? Spooky!

Something I noticed was how so many of the people wore flip flops. Must be the shoe of choice in Bangkok.

And I got such a kick out of that sign that I have no idea what it means, but looked like the guy was holding off from using the toilet. I'm sure it will make sense once I know what it is, but for now I will just laugh at the thought.